Looking for a job -and getting hired- in Sydney with the Work and Holiday visa is not as easy as you imagine it was going to be.
I came here thinking that it was a piece of cake. That I would have a job by the first or second week and that I would work from 8 to 4-5 and go to the beach all afternoon. Well it's a bit far from that.
First of all if you plan to work in your studies field, the Work and Holiday Visa will probably stop you from it. For example, as a designer and I've been trying to get a job as one in an agency or company but when you tell about your visa they shut the door because for them to hire a person that can't work with them for more than 6 months it's an inconvenient -with the W&H you can't work for more than 6 months with the same employer-.
The sponsorship -when your employer is so happy with you and your work and makes a sponsorship offer for a permanent work visa in Australia- is very difficult to get. So, sadly for us immigrants, they prefer to hire an Australian than a foreigner. If you reader happen to know a case of sponsorship for a W&H visa holder it would be great if you could share it.
So whats the common jobs for W&H?
I can think first about labour work, cleaning, bar tending, fruit picking, waiting tables or warehouse working.
In the time that I've been here I've worked as a freelance designer for south korean and chilean companies, as a waitress-cleaner-dish washer at a cafe and now I'm proud to say that I'm going to start working in a great waiters company that serves in high end events and fine dinners but first I need to pass a training session on wednesday so send me all your positive vibes!!!
I truly believe that work dignifies man and I come from a background were Hospitality jobs are often underpaid and sadly undermined.
Before coming here I've never worked in the Hospitality industry before. Working with people has been a great experience and enriching for my heart and soul. I believe my smile and positive attitude makes changes in people's day and it also gives me great satisfaction. Yes I can be really tired when I go home because you're constantly moving and working with your body and mind, but despite the stressing moments that you may or may not have during the day, to feel happy at the end of it is something very important for me.
True advice: if you're coming with a W&H visa prepare to work hard and to put your soul in it, otherwise don't come.